
From Project Ultima WIki
Revision as of 01:40, 10 March 2025 by Riggz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" ! Lore Stone Type !! Name !! Description |- | Magic || Mana Refund Chance || Chance to refund mana when casting spells. |- | Magic || Mana Refunded || Percent of mana returned on Refund. |- | Magic || Lower Mana Cost || Percentage of mana cost reduced for spells. |- | Magic || Spell Damage Increase || Spell damage increase. |- | Magic || Spell Healing Increase || Spell healing increase. |- | Magic || Arcane Fortitude || Percantage chance to not be in...")
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Lore Stone Type Name Description
Magic Mana Refund Chance Chance to refund mana when casting spells.
Magic Mana Refunded Percent of mana returned on Refund.
Magic Lower Mana Cost Percentage of mana cost reduced for spells.
Magic Spell Damage Increase Spell damage increase.
Magic Spell Healing Increase Spell healing increase.
Magic Arcane Fortitude Percantage chance to not be interrupted when casting spells.
Magic Reagent Refund Chance Chance to refund reagents when casting spells.
Magic Magic Resist Ignore Chance to ignore magic resist when casting harmful spells.
Defense Armor Bonus Percentage of armor bonus.
Defense Damage Reflection Percent of damage reflected.
Defense Reflection Chance Chance to reflect damage when being attacked.
Defense Parry Chance Increases Parry Chance.
Defense Durability Refund Chance Chance to refund durability to Weapons and Armor when they loose durability.
Defense Bandage Effectivenes Increases healing with bandages.
Defense Bandage Success Chance Increases Bandage Success Chance.
Attack Damage Increase Increases weapon damage.
Attack Critical Hit Chance Chance to deal critical hit.
Attack Critical Multiplier Percentage of damage multiplied on critical hit.
Attack Attack Speed Increase Increases attack speed of weapons.
Attack Armor Ignore Chance Chance to ignore armor.
Attack Hit Chance Increase Increases hit chance with weapons.
Attack Arrow Refund Chance Chance to refund arrow and bolts when attacking.
Summon Summon Damage Increase Increases damage of summoned creatures.
Summon Summon Armor Increase Increases armor of summoned creatures.
Summon Summon Damage Reflection Percent of damage reflected by summoned creatures.
Summon Summon Reflection Chance Chance to reflect damage for summoned creatures.
Summon Summon Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage of summoned creatures.
Summon Summon Hit Chance Increase Increases hit chance of summoned creatures.
Summon Summon Mana Refund Chance Chance to refund mana for summoned creatures.
Summon Summon Refund Amount Percent of mana returned on Refund to summoned creatures.
Summon Summon Mana Cost Reduction Percentage of mana cost reduced for spells casted by summoned creatures.
Pet Pet Damage Increase Increases damage of pets.
Pet Pet Armor Increase Increases armor of pets.
Pet Pet Damage Reflection Percent of damage reflected by pets.
Pet Pet Reflection Chance Chance to reflect damage for pets.
Pet Pet Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage of pets.
Pet Pet Hit Chance Increase Increases hit chance of pets.
Pet Pet Mana Refund Chance Chance to refund mana for pets.
Pet Pet Mana Refund Amount Percent of mana returned on Refund to pets.
Pet Pet Mana Cost Reduction Percentage of mana cost reduced for spells casted by pets.
Pet Veterinary Healing Increase Increases healing when using veterinary.
Pet Veterinary Success Chance Increases success chance when using veterinary.
Pet Veterinary Resurrect Chance Increases resurrection chance when using veterinary.
Crafting Crafting Success Chance Increases success chance when crafting.
Crafting Durability Increase Percentage of durability increased when crafting Armor and Weapons.
Crafting Durability Increase Chance Chance to increase durability when crafting Armor and Weapons.
Crafting Resource Refund Chance Chance to refund some resources when crafting. Does not include rare resources
Crafting Exceptional Chance Increase Percentage of exceptional resources increased when crafting.
Crafting Tool Use Increase Percentage of tool use increased when crafting.
Crafting Tool Use Increase Chance Chance to increase tool uses when crafting.
Gathering Gather Success Chance Increases success chance when gathering.
Gathering Resource Upgrade Chance Chance to upgrade resources when gathering.
Gathering Yield Increase Percentage of yield increased when gathering.
Gathering Yield Increase Chance Chance to increase yield when gathering.
Gathering Guardian Spawn Chance Chance to spawn guardians when gathering.
Gathering Guardian Yield Increase Percentage of resources yield increased on spawned guardians.
Gathering Tool Use Refund Chance Chance to refund tool use when gathering.
Neutral Despise Damage Increase Increases damage when in Despise.
Neutral Despise Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage when in Despise.
Neutral Despise Damage Reduction Reduces damage taken when in Despise.
Neutral Destard Damage Increase Increases damage when in Destard.
Neutral Destard Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage when in Destard.
Neutral Destard Damage Reduction Reduces damage taken when in Destard.
Neutral Ice Damage Increase Increases damage when in Ice.
Neutral Ice Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage when in Ice.
Neutral Ice Damage Reduction Reduces damage taken when in Ice.
Neutral Covetous Damage Increase Increases damage when in Covetous.
Neutral Covetous Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage when in Covetous.
Neutral Covetous Damage Reduction Reduces damage taken when in Covetous.
Neutral Shame Damage Increase Increases damage when in Shame.
Neutral Shame Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage when in Shame.
Neutral Shame Damage Reduction Reduces damage taken when in Shame.
Neutral Hythloth Damage Increase Increases damage when in Hythloth.
Neutral Hythloth Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage when in Hythloth.
Neutral Hythloth Damage Reduction Reduces damage taken when in Hythloth.
Neutral Deceit Damage Increase Increases damage when in Deceit.
Neutral Deceit Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage when in Deceit.
Neutral Deceit Damage Reduction Reduces damage taken when in Deceit.
Neutral Wrong Damage Increase Increases damage when in Wrong.
Neutral Wrong Spell Damage Increase Increases spell damage when in Wrong.
Neutral Wrong Damage Reduction Reduces damage taken when in Wrong.
Neutral Gold Increase Percentage of gold increased when looting.
Neutral Item Drop Increase Increases loot chance of Rare Loot when looting.
Neutral Barding Effectiveness Increases effectiveness of barding skills.
Neutral Bard Break Ignore Chance Chance to ignore (Bard Break) for barding skills.
Neutral Damage Increase to Barded Increases damage when barded creatures.