Template:Attack Legacy Gems

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Revision as of 23:51, 9 March 2025 by Riggz (talk | contribs)
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Gem / Ability Lore Stone Types Description Details
Barbaric Rage Legacy Gem
Primary: Attack
Secondary: Defense
You have a 5% chance for a damage (1% - 10%) and swing speed (1% - 5%) buff for 6 seconds

Chance [(5% + 1%) * Gem level]
Damage Buff [(1% - 10%) + (1% * Gem Level)]
Swing Speed Buff [(1% - 5%) + (0.5% * Gem Level)]
Cooldown [90 seconds]
Duration [60 seconds]

Call to Arms Legacy Gem
Primary: Attack
Secondary: Pet
You have a 5% chance on attack, for a damage buff of (1% - 10% )(Includes Pets).

Chance [(5% + 1%) * Gem level]
Damage Buff [(1% - 10%) + (1% * Gem Level)]
Pet Damage Buff [(1% - 10%) + (1% * Gem Level)]
Cooldown [90 seconds]
Duration [60 seconds]

Ruptured Vein Legacy Gem
Primary: Attack
Secondary: Defense
You have a 5% chance to bleed for (5 - 25) damage over 25 second.

Chance [(5% + 1%) * Gem level]
Damage (5 - 25) + (5 * Gem Level)
Cooldown [90 seconds]
Bleed ticks every 5 seconds.