Template:Attack Legacy Gems

From Project Ultima WIki
Revision as of 06:16, 9 March 2025 by Riggz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" !colspan="1"| Gem / Ability || Description || Details |- style="vertical-align:middle; background-color:#000000;" | Barbaric Rage Gem<br><center>file:Barbaric_Rage_Gem.png</center> |You have a 5% chance for a damage 1% - 10% and swing speed 1% - 5% buff for 6 seconds | Chance [5% + 1% * Gem level] <br>Damage Buff [1% - 10% + 1% * Gem Level] <br>Swing Speed Buff [1% - 5% + 0.5% * Gem Level] <br>Cooldown [90 seconds] <br>...")
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Gem / Ability Description Details
Barbaric Rage Gem
You have a 5% chance for a damage 1% - 10% and swing speed 1% - 5% buff for 6 seconds

Chance [5% + 1% * Gem level]
Damage Buff [1% - 10% + 1% * Gem Level]
Swing Speed Buff [1% - 5% + 0.5% * Gem Level]
Cooldown [90 seconds]
Duration [60 seconds]